Saturday 3 June 2017

Kokh Bandhan Remedies and Upay

Kokh Bandhan Remedies and Upay

Kokh Bandhan Remedies and Upay

Image result for Kokh Bandhan Remedies and UpaySterile issue is very not under control of human and medical science is not capable to fix it because these disabilities are natural and one cannot fix it artificially. But there is nothing on this eternal world which cannot be fixed only need to have the right solutions and approaches.  Because of Kokh Bandhan still a lot of women are suffering, survival in society got stuck and it is the bitter truth which they are gulping like poison. Their situations are pity but there is no other option apart from suffering, as an appeal all had right to live with happiness and in those cases which are natural cause. These things can be cured only by the help of eternal solutions. Mantra chanting is one of those solutions with the help of it can be fixed because Mantra possesses of supernatural powers with the help of which it everything can be cured. Being women it turns very difficult to survive being sterile. Kokh bandhan is that curse which prevents you from being enjoying the happiness of maternity but being a female it is the birth right of every lady to enjoy this happiness. But somehow you are deprived of it but looking to get rid from this painful curse then to kill it you can do take help of mantra chanting.  There is variation in this problem but the severe impact is it deprives you from being having the happiness of baby in your life. It may be because of some hormonal issues of hereditary problems or may be because of certain mislead in destiny which is very severe and referred as Dosha. But to eradicate these Doshas certain solutions and approaches are available, we provide all sort of mantra if your ultimate intention is to get cure from this Kokh bandhan doesn’t matter what is the root cause of your sufferings. Our solution is very easy to implement and but correction is required, if you are looking for cure of these trouble then do as:-
Being a women during the period cycle wore cloth should be kept separate and tear a small piece from it and wrap four pieces of cardamom, one camphor, one pinch black salt into it. Now place this bundle at some hidden place and daily chant the Kokh bandhan mantra keeping that bundle in your hand regularly seven times every time in day for twice period cycle. Doing so the mantra will help in eradicate all the Dosh from your destiny absorbed by the elements wrapped in the cloth but remember one thing that once the entire process is completed then float the bundle in running water or else there is high possibility of being those Dosha with you. This process if very easy to follow and we will give the mantra once you will be asking to you because mentioning the mantra here won’t work. One should the know way of chanting the mantra or else there is no use of being incorporating the mantra. We are available at any moment to help you, once you will ask to us on that basis after discussion about your problem we will be giving you the right mantra along the steps of implementation.
Contact to Peerji OJha
Mob: +91-9950017590

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