Wednesday 14 June 2017

Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua

Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua

Safe Pregnancy Muslim Dua, Becoming a mother is the dream of every woman after marriage. Being a mother completes a woman and makes her life, full of joy and content. Bearing a child is the most, painful, yet most rewarding experience a mother can ever have. They say, since god cannot be everywhere, all the time, he sent a mother for everyone.
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Dua for safe pregnancy

After a couple get married, the first thing the entire family looks forward to is the couple bearing a child. The child brings in joy, and happiness in the family. The make the whole environment of the house to be happy and merry. The mother is the only person who can make that happen. Giving birth to a child is a long and time consuming process. However the benefits of it are many. When a mother conceives a child in her womb, there are many things she needs to take care of, and make sure the child is born in a healthy manner.

Praying to Allah and making dua while the child is growing in the mother’s womb is a strong method to keep all ill eyes away from anything bad happening to the mother or the child. Here are something you need to do if you or someone in your family is undergoing the pregnancy period.

Dua for safe child birth

Allah is the best guardian. He knows what is best for you and for your child. For safe child birth and no miscarriage or any other event, recite the verse below.


However at each month the following should be followed.

First month – recite Sura-e-Ya Seen and Sura-e-As Saffat
Second month – Surah al Mulk and following salawat 140 times
Third month – Surah Ali Imran and recite 140 times the same salawat
Fourth month – Surah al Dahar and Surah al Quadar
Fifth month – Surah al fath
Sixth month – Surah Wateen
Seventh month – Surah an Nahal
Eighth month – Salat ul Fajr
Ninth month – Surah al Asar
Amal for safe pregnancy

The holy prophet says that a mother will get the same reward of that of a man, if she takes proper care of the child during and after pregnancy till weaning away. The mother is the first madrasa of a child and therefore must take proper care to raise the child as a pious human being.

There are also a few things you need to do during the pregnancy period to make sure you have the blessings of Allah and have a healthy baby. Here are some important things.

Drink a lot of milk to have a strong and healthy baby
Make sure your food is filled with a lot of vegetables and fruits. Include green leaves too.
Do not exert yourself doing a lot of physical labour. However, you also need to have some physical exercise like walking. This will make the child healthy, and easy for you during the delivery.
Try to remain in Wuzu all the time and do not commit any sin as much as possible.
Try to perform Mustaib amal as much as possible
While reciting any dua, make sure your right hand is placed on your tummy. The child can hear and feel everything you say or do. So speak, hear and do only good things.
Eat proper meals and eat on time. Pray to god on time and as per the guidance.
During pregnancy, your actions can affect the child. So be careful about all your actions. The more good things you do, the better it is for the child.
Drink plenty of water, and keep yourself hydrated. Don’t lie on your back and try to sleep sideways as much as possible.
When the mother and father hear the news of the baby conceiving, there is joy and happiness. However, that excitement also needs planning and making sure that the baby has a safe delivery into this world. Don’t be scared. If you imagine or worry about how difficult it is to bear a child. Do not worry. Humans have been giving birth to children for ages, and have been doing it the natural way. Allah is the guardian and he will ensure everything is at the right time. He will prepare you mentally, when the time is right.

Seek forgiveness. If you feel guilty about complaining about pain, fatigue, and weakness, know that your body is undergoing changes and these changes include physical, emotional and mental. Do not worry and seek surrender under the almighty to keep you safe. It is very natural to feel the anxiety. You are not alone in this journey. Thank Allah, for the reward and gift he has given you. Bearing a child is the biggest thing that no ordinary person can do.  You have been bestowed with the responsibility of bringing in life into this world and you must be proud of this reward. Your entire family will now continue for another generation because of you.

Gain knowledge and seek help from elders in the family. Do your homework and read or learn about pregnancy and safe ways. Follow the instructions are scripted in the Quran. The holy book is testimony and your guide for the best things in the world. Read about pregnancy on internet. As long you can differentiate between the facts and myths that is good.

Introduce your child to the holy way. Read the Quran to the child with the hand on the tummy every day. The child can hear and feel everything you say. Make sure you hear well, do well and be good. The whole family and society will be filled with pride and joy, when the baby enters the world. You are the person, entrusted with that responsibility. Make sure you have the blessing of Allah. With his blessings, you can be happy and joyful, and live a life in peace.

Contact to Peerji OJha
Mob: +91-9950017590

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