Wednesday 14 June 2017

Surah Love Yaseen Wazifa

Surah Love Yaseen Wazifa

Image result for Surah LoveSurah Love Yaseen Wazifa, As a lover, you may find different problems in your life. You try yourself best but love marriage is not happening to you. Parents do not agree on your marriage or the girl you love is afraid of her family and many more. Surah rehman wazifa for love marriage can solve all your love marriage problems. With this, you can do marriage of your own choice. Whether you are the girl or boy, you can recite this surah rehman wazifa for love marriage. Make sure not to skip even a single day while you start reciting this regularly.

Surah Rehman Wazifa for Love Marriage

In total, you have to perform this surah rehman wazifa for love marriage for 11 days. So, first of all, you can make fresh wudu. Now, you should recite the Chapter Yaseen Sharif for 3 times. After this, you have to recite “Ya Allahu Ya Fattahu” for 303 times. You can now pray to Allah for solving your love marriage problem. Apart from this surah rehman wazifa for love marriage, you as well as your lover will have to do the following on Friday after your obligatory prayer on Friday:

Surah Love Yaseen Wazifa

To begin with, you should recite Darood Sharif for 10 times and then recite Ya Wadudo for 1001 times. At the end, you can recite Darrod Sharif for 10 times. Now, you can blow on salt and keep it with respect. This surah rehman wazifa for love marriage is a onetime wazifa. Both you and your lover will have to recite this wazifa.

The boy can recite this wazifa to convince his parents while girl can recite it to convince her parents. What you have to do is, you can mix this salt in your parents’ food on a daily basis for this surah rehman wazifa for love marriage to work. Also, you have to keep nice and polite behaviour with them.

After some days of performing this surah rehman wazifa for love marriage, you can ask your parents’ consent about your love marriage. You should ask this with honour and respect. Other than this, you can donate alms, food, clothes, money etc. as voluntary charity to the poor people and beggars.

This miraculous surah rehman wazifa for love marriage will remove all the hurdles in your love marriage. Girls should start this surah rehman wazifa for love marriage when they can easily finish it within continuous 11 days.

Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Hajat

If you have hajat, you can perform surah yaseen wazifa for hajat. To do this, you can read Surah Yaseen for a period of 3 days. First recite Darood or Salavat for 3 times and recite “Yasin”, the first word, for 10 times. After you have read first mubeen of surah yaseen wazifa for hajat, you can read the following Ayet of Suraah Fatiha for 10 times:

“iiyaa kaa naa budu vaa iiyaa kaa naastaa eeeen”

When you reach to the following ayet, you have to recite it for 1000 times:

“saalaam mun kolum min raabi raahim”

Now, you can read the surah yaseen wazifa for hajat till it ends. Finally, you can recite Darood or Salavat for 3 times again. Now, you can make a wish that you want to fulfil. You have to repeat this process every day for 7 times. Make sure that you perform this surah yaseen wazifa for hajat in single sitting itself.

When do this, you will get results within 3 days. Also, for this surah yaseen wazifa for hajat, you can write dua on a paper and use the same words every time to perform this dua. This is a perfect surah yaseen wazifa for hajat through which you can fulfil your desires.

Other than this, people who have the worry about their love marriage can recite surah yaseen wazifa for hajat for 40 days. You can perform this wazifa for a period of 40 days. The surah yaseen wazifa for hajat is basically for men but women can try to perform this keeping in mind the period of their menses. Performing surah yaseen wazifa for hajat brings amazing results as it is very powerful. You will surely get positive outcomes after reciting this surah yaseen wazifa for hajat.

Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Rizq

To perform the surah yaseen wazifa for rizq, you can go in front of Allaah Azzawajal. Now, offer 2-2 rakah of supererogatory prayers. For every rakah, first recite Verse Fateha and then recite Verse lkhlaas for one time. You can now recite “Ya Ghaffaro” for 100 times. In the similar manner, you can offer 20 supererogatory rakah.

You can perform this surah yaseen wazifa for rizq for 21 days. Do not skip any day in between and every day, do it at the same time. After any of the following timings, you can perform this surah yaseen wazifa for rizq:

Afternoon prayers or
Late afternoon prayers or
Sun prayers or
Night prayers
After you perform this surah yaseen wazifa for rizq, all the problems will be resolved. Also, women should not perform this surah yaseen wazifa for rizq during their menses. After the days of periods are over, you can begin performing surah yaseen wazifa for rizq. So, in this way, you can do this continuously for 21 days without leaving any gap. If you want to earn more money, surah yaseen wazifa for rizq is the best wazifa.

You can contact a wazifa specialist to know the exact process of performing this surah yaseen wazifa for rizq. When you earn more money, you will become famous in the society and more people will talk about you. Anyone who wants to gain success and earn wealth can make use of surah yaseen wazifa for rizq.

Within one month of performing this surah yaseen wazifa for rizq, you will gain wealth and become happy than before. Thus, surah yaseen wazifa is best for wealth and health desires. You can also use for other purposes such as getting consent of your parents on your love marriage.

Contact to Peerji OJha
Mob: +91-9950017590

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